
Get Started

Pick a station from the station list, then select the time range you want to view.


I started collecting station-level data from Toronto's Bike Share API so that I could get a historical view of the system's usage. I've been collecting data about every station in the network roughly every 30s, since September 24th, 2023.

The data available from Toronto's Bike Share API is, primarily:

  • - the number of available bikes (broken down by the type of each bike) at each station
  • - the number of disabled bikes (not broken down by the type of each bike) at each station
  • - the number of available docks at each station
  • - the number of disabled docks at each station

This project was borne out of my frustration for why Wellesley Station has had a complement of at least 9 - often more - disabled e-bikes ever since the station was converted to a charging station a few months ago.

Click the link to see the last 24 hours of data for Wellesley Station.

This is a work-in-progress; see my blog for a series of articles on this.

I'd be happy send a copy of the database to anyone who's interested - send me an email and we'll work out the best way to do that.

Source Code

GitHub: connorfeeley/haskbike

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